Our Purpose: forming disciples of all ages who know Jesus' love and enthusiastically live our Catholic Christian life.
Classes at all grade levels use a combination of small group discussion and large group presentations to help our youth grow in the love of Jesus and learn and retain the content of our Catholic faith.
See the bottom of this page for important information on partnering in this ministry.
Grade 11 - 12 - Schedule to be determined with Families
Registration for Youth Formation has closed, please contact Greg Montana with questions and to register late.
We need volunteers in a variety of roles to make Youth Formation a success. All adults must be E3 certified per Archdiocesan requirements. This means 1) Completing a background check; 2) signing a code of conduct; and 3) completing VIRTUS: Protecting God’s Children training.
Youth Formation Catechists receive a 100% discount on the Youth Formation fee. (Note: This does not apply to Sacramental Preparation fees).
Please prayerfully consider one of the following roles:
Middle School Catechist
Middle School Assistant Catechist
High School Catechist
High School Assistant Catechist
Catechist Substitute
Hall Chaperone
Tech Setup
If interested, contact Greg Montana ([email protected]) for more information.